Creativity / Originality
Craftsmanship / Skill
Work Habits
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Pupil’s art pieces were creative and original.
Pupil’s art pieces were completed and handed in on time.
Pupil’s craft pieces were carefully and neatly done with care, precision and effort.
Pupil was able to use the art medium (e.g. crayon, poster colour) proficiently.
Pupil has participated well in class activities. He/She has shown interest in art. He/She was focused when engaging in art work.
Pupil’s art pieces were modified from samples given.
Pupil’s art pieces were completed and handed in after extended time was given.
Pupil’s craft pieces were done with some care, precision and effort. However, they lacked the finishing touch.
Pupil was not able to use the art medium (e.g. crayon, poster colour) proficiently. Traces of mess from the art medium could be seen on the art work.
Pupil has participated well in class activities. He/She has shown some interest in art. However, he/she has to be reminded to be on task occasionally.
Pupil’s art pieces were inadequate and some of the basic components were lacking.
Pupil’s art pieces were not completed and/or handed in even after extended time was given.
Pupil’s craft pieces were done haphazardly, with inadequate care and effort.
Art pieces were messy due to unskillful handling of art medium.
Pupil was not keen in art activities. He/She needed constant reminders to be focused in art activities.
Art Rubrics for P3
Project Criteria
Followed Directions requirements
Demonstrates complete understanding of assigned project.
Demonstrates very good understanding of assigned project.
Demonstrates barely average understanding of assigned project.
Demonstrates no understanding
of assigned project.
Exceptional effort with media.
Above average effort with media.
Shows some effort with media.
Shows little to no effort with media.
Unique, very individual and original.
Somewhat original, Expressives.
Seldom original, little expression
Little to no originality, copied others work.
Design principles/Elements
Demonstrates us e of elements and principles.
Demonstrates very good idea of art intent.
Unclear demonstration of art intent.
No demo of assigned elements of principles.
Positive and considerate best effort put forth. Takes responsibility for finishing work.
Is helpful, few disruptions, usually takes responsibility
for finishing work.
Consistently distracted rarely finishes work on his/her own.
Disruptive talking out of turn, not following directions, incomplete work.
A=16-20 B=11-15 C=5-
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